Observables! What are they and why do they exist.. We also go deep into Observable creation with the just, of, from and deferred operators.

This is code from RxSwift

/// Convenience API extensions to provide alternate next, error, completed events
extension ObserverType {
    /// Convenience method equivalent to `on(.next(element: Element))`
    /// - parameter element: Next element to send to observer(s)
    public func onNext(_ element: Element) {
    /// Convenience method equivalent to `on(.completed)`
    public func onCompleted() {
    /// Convenience method equivalent to `on(.error(Swift.Error))`
    /// - parameter error: Swift.Error to send to observer(s)
    public func onError(_ error: Swift.Error) {

The observer type observes on an evemt

/// Notify observer about sequence event.
/// - parameter event: Event that occurred.
func on(_ event: Event<Element>)

The way I tend to think of Observerables is of the character Drew from the movie “Despicable Me”. The Observable<T> allows one or more Observers to subscribe and react to events in real time and update the UI.

As we can see from the code above. Observables can only emit 3 types of events. You also have noticed that Observables are Generic. That’s correct because it is possible for events to hold and pass values. What makes this even more powerful is that through series of operations we can transform the values held by these events during the lifecycle of the sequence.

Next I’ll talk about Marble Diagrams


From this marble diagram we can see how one sequence is transformed into another sequence. Later on I’ll dive into reactive extensions which is how this is made possible. But for now understand that the resulting sequence is a replica of the original sequence with the exception of being two characters ahead.

The events will continue to be emitted until a cancel event or an error event is emitted by the sequence. For example a connection failure will cause an error event during a download process.

Understand that the diagram is not static and that these events are in fact moving with time along the stream.

Creating Observables

There are 4 methods I will concentrate on creating Observables.

  1. .just()
  2. .of()
  3. .from()

Just Observable Creation

From RxSwift

final private class Just<Element>: Producer<Element> {
    private let _element: Element
    init(element: Element) {
        self._element = element
    override func subscribe<Observer: ObserverType>(_ observer: Observer) -> Disposable where Observer.Element == Element {
        return Disposables.create()

So we can see here from this code that the .just operator calls onNext exactly once before calling the onCompleted event. This confirms that only one event is emitted by this sequence before it terminates. So the code to create a .just observable would be as follows. This is useful if you are looking to only capture the first event a user or network sends. For example the first tap on a button.

 let observable: Observable<String> = Observable<String>.just("Single Event")

It is not always necessary to specify the type that is passed through with the event. In the previous case it was a String.

Of Observable Creation

From RxSwift

extension ObservableType {
    // MARK: of

     This method creates a new Observable instance with a variable number of elements.

     - seealso: [from operator on reactivex.io](http://reactivex.io/documentation/operators/from.html)

     - parameter elements: Elements to generate.
     - parameter scheduler: Scheduler to send elements on. If `nil`, elements are sent immediately on subscription.
     - returns: The observable sequence whose elements are pulled from the given arguments.
    public static func of(_ elements: Element ..., scheduler: ImmediateSchedulerType = CurrentThreadScheduler.instance) -> Observable<Element> {
        return ObservableSequence(elements: elements, scheduler: scheduler)

The important take away from the code above is that the of operator takes a variable number of elements and returns an Observable of that type. So remember when I made the reference to Drew from Despicable Me. This observable is an example of subscribing to many observers.

 let minions = [Minion("Jerry"), Minion("Tom")]

 let observable: Observable<Minion> = Observable<Minion>.of(minions)

Although I’m passing in an array of Elements. I’m in fact only passing in a single Element which is of type Array<Minion>. This will return an observable of type Observable<Array<Minion>>. To get Observable<Minion>. I’d have to create the following.

 let observable: Observable<Minion> = Observable<Minion>.of(Minion("Jerry"), Minion("Tom"))

From Observable Creation

From RxSwift

    Converts an array to an observable sequence.

    - seealso: [from operator on reactivex.io](http://reactivex.io/documentation/operators/from.html)

    - returns: The observable sequence whose elements are pulled from the given enumerable sequence.
public static func from(_ array: [Element], scheduler: ImmediateSchedulerType = CurrentThreadScheduler.instance) -> Observable<Element> {
    return ObservableSequence(elements: array, scheduler: scheduler)

    Converts a sequence to an observable sequence.

    - seealso: [from operator on reactivex.io](http://reactivex.io/documentation/operators/from.html)

    - returns: The observable sequence whose elements are pulled from the given enumerable sequence.
public static func from<Sequence: Swift.Sequence>(_ sequence: Sequence, scheduler: ImmediateSchedulerType = CurrentThreadScheduler.instance) -> Observable<Element> where Sequence.Element == Element {
    return ObservableSequence(elements: sequence, scheduler: scheduler)

So from the above we are able to see that it is possible to create an Observable either from a Sequence or a [Element].

What is also interesting to note. As well as probably only for advanced users is that you can subscribe to an observable to other observables as well. Hence creating a chain of observable / observer patterns.

Remember I mentioned earlier with the of operator that passing in an array of Array<Minion> would return Observable<Array<Minion>>. The difference with from is that Array<Minion> will return Observable<Minion>. from only takes an array or a sequence.

A sequence being a Swift.Sequence. Which is an Element that is able to iterate through it’s elements.

Constructive feedback is welcome. If you notice something wrong with the article. Please send me message so that I can rectify it.

Happy Coding! 😀