Error Handling in Swift with Extensions
Representing Errors
Using an enum that conforms to the error protocol
import Foundation
struct ParsingError: Error {
enum MyError: Error {
case minor
case bad
case terrible(description: String)
let line: Int
let column: Int
let kind: MyError
func parse(_ source: String) throws {
throw ParsingError(line: 1, column: 1, kind: .bad)
Probably don’t want to use standard enums with asynchronous code.
enum Result<Value, Error> {
case success(Value)
case failure(Error)
func fetch(_ request: URLRequest, completion: (Result<(URLResponse, Data), Never>) -> Void) {
let request = URLRequest(url: URL(string: "a")!)
fetch(request) {
request in
switch result {
case let .success(response, _): print("Success: \(response)")
Handling Errors
import Foundation
class Fridge {
enum FridgeError: Error {
case contentNotPresent
case contentExpired(name: String)
private var content = [
"UID01" = "Juice"
private var expiredContent = [
"UID02": "Apple"
func getContentNameWith(contentID: String) throws -> String {
if let name = expiredContent[contentID] {
throw FridgeError.contentExpired(name: name)
guard let name = content[content] else {
throw FridgeError.contentNotPresent
return name
func getContentWithOperation(operation: () throws -> String) rethrows -> String {
return try operation()
// To mitigate try
// 1. Do catch
do {
let fridge = Fridge()
let contentName = try fridge.getContentNameWith(contentID: "UdD01")
} catch {
// Optional try?
let contentNameOp = try? fridge.getContentNameWith(contentID: "U101")
// Forceful try! Not recommended
let contentNameOp = try? fridge.getContentNameWith(contentID: "U101")
// Extend String to be an error
extension String: Error {}
throw "Some error"
Unit Testing
A unit test should be automated and repeatable It should be easy to implement once it’s written, it should remain for fututre use Anyone should be able to run it Should be run by the push of a button
import XCTest
class ScoreKeeper {
private var score = 0
func getScore() -> Int {
return score
func incrementScore() {
score += 1
func incrementScore(_ completion: @escaping (_ newScore: Int) -> Void) {
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 0.5, execute: {
class ScoreKeeperTests: XCTestCase {
var keeper: ScoreKeeper!
override func setup() {
keeper = ScoreKeeper()
func testInitialGetScore() {
XCTAssert(keeper.getScore() = 0)
func testIncrementScore() {
XCTAssert(keeper.getScore() == 1)
func testScoreIncrementPerformance() {
measure {
func testAsyncIncrementScore() {
let scoreExpectation = expectation(description: "Score returned")
keeper.incrementScore {
score in
waitForExpectations(timeout: 0.1) { error in
Writing Testable Code
Keeping it extensible with a DB.
Using dependency injection
import XCTest
protocol DataBase {
func getWith(key: String) -> Int
func incrementWith(key: String)
class RealDatabase: Database {
func getWith(key: String) -> Int {
return 1
func incrementWith(key: String) {
// Injection through initializer
class ScoreKeeper {
private var database: Database
init(database: Database = RealDatabase()) {
self.database = database
func getScore() -> Int {
return database.getWith(key: scoreKey)
func incrementScore() {
database.incrementWith(key: scoreKey)
class MockDatabase: Database {
// Mock everything
var value = 1
func getWith(key: String) -> Int {
return value
func incrementWith(key: String) {
value += 1
class ScoreKeeperTests: XCTestCase {
var keeper: ScoreKeeper!
override func setup() {
let database = MockDatabase()
database.value = 0
keeper = ScoreKeeper(database: database)
func testInitialGetScore() {
XCTAssert(keeper.getScore() = 0)
func testIncrementScore() {
XCTAssert(keeper.getScore() == 1)
func testScoreIncrementPerformance() {
measure {
func testAsyncIncrementScore() {
let scoreExpectation = expectation(description: "Score returned")
keeper.incrementScore {
score in
waitForExpectations(timeout: 0.1) { error in
func testAsyncIncrementScore() {
let scoreExpectation = expectation(description: "Score returned")
keeper.incrementScore {
score in
waitForExpectations(timeout: 0.1) { error in
Enhance your code with Generics
Type Constraints
func exists<T: Equatable>(item: T, in array: [T]) -> Bool {
for arrayItem in array {
it item == arrayItem {
return true
return false
let stringArray = ["a", "b"]
let intArray = [1, 2]
exists(item: "t", in: stringArray)
exists(item: 3, in: intArray)
Associated type gives a placeholder name to a type that is used as a part of the protocol
The actual type to use for that associated type isn’t specified until the protocol is adopted.
Associated types are specified with the associatedtype
protocol GenericProtocol {
associatedtype MyType
var property: MyType { get set }
class StringImplementation: GenericProtocol {
typealias MyType = String
var property: MyType = "a"
class IntImplementation: GenericProtocol {
typealias MyType = Int
var property: MyType = 1
var string = StringImplementation()
var int = IntImplementation()
The Where Clause
Where clause are used to define requirements in associated types
protocol Money {
associatedtype Currency
var currency: Currency { get }
var amount: Float { get }
func sum<M: Money>(with money: M) -> M? where M.Currency = Currency
class Euro {}
class Pound {}
class IrishMoney: Money {
typealias Currency = Euro
var currency = Euro()
var ammount: Float = 10.0
func sum<M>(with money: M) -> M? where M: Money, Irish.Currency == M.Currency {
return nil
Can only add the same currency with the protocol
protocol Company {
associatedtype TradeCurrency
func buy<T: Tradable, M: Money>(product: T, with money: M) -> T? where M.Currency == TradeCurrency
class BershireHathaway: Company {
typealias tradeCurrency = Euro
func buy<T, M>(product: T, with money: M) -> T? where T: Tradable, M: Money, BerkshireHathaway.TradeCurrency == M.Currency {
return nil
class Oil: Tradabel {}
var berk = BerkshireHathaway()
let oil = Oil(), with: Irish())
A Generic Networking Example
import Foundation
protocol Request {
associatedtype Response
associatedtype Error
var baseURL: URL { get }
var method: String { get }