Reactive Programming - Part 4
In this post I will continue the discussion on Observables
by going through the list of Observables Operators
from the source code. So please forgive me if I miss any.
There is a very long list of Observable Operators
what makes it longer is that these operators are declarative and transposable. Meaning we can chain them onto one another to create custom combined operations on sequences of events.
Before you go through this list I recommend you skip to Part 5.
So from the list going in alphabetical order.
- AddRef
- Amb
- AsMaybe
- AsSingle
- Buffer
- Catch
- CombineLatest
- CompactMap
- Concat
- Create
- Debounce
- Debug
- DefaultIfEmpty
- Deferred
- Delay
- DelaySubscription
- Dematerialize
- DistinctUntilChanged
- Do
- ElementAt
- Empty
- Enumerated
- Error
- Filter
- First
- Generate
- GroupBy
- Just
- Map
- Materialize
- Merge
- Multicast
- Never
- ObserveOn
- Optional
- Producer
- Range
- Reduce
- Repeat
- RetryWhen
- Sample
- Scan
- Sequence
- ShareReplayScope
- SingleAsync
- Sink
- Skip
- SkipUntil
- SkipWhile
- StartWith
- SubscribeOn
- Switch
- SwitchIfEmpty
- Take
- TakeLast
- TakeUntil
- TakeWhile
- Throttle
- Timeout
- Timer
- ToArray
- Using
- Window
- WithLatestFrom
- Zip
Constructive feedback is welcome. If you notice something wrong with the article. Please send me message so that I can rectify it.