
My name is Cameron. I'm an iOS Engineer and an aspiring Data Scientist. I'm on a mission to help you with learning about software development topics.

I'm here to help you with keeping development simple. It's true that complexity and architecture is fun. But if you truly don't know what you are doing it can become a big mess. Often we don't need big solutions to solve small problems. So let's go through this together. I was a complexity maniac. Hopefully I've calmed down a bit.

The roadmap of this blog:

Reactive Programming
A Generic Approach
Swift 5.0
A Holistic View


My Preparation for Agoda Test

I have 3 days to do the challenge. This is going to be my strategy.

Automatic Reference Counting

So recently I was asked what Automatic Reference Counting was and I couldn’t answer someone. This really shocked me. How could I not know what it was. So I decided to write an article about it.

Clean Architecture The Introduction

In an attempt to relearn everything about iOS, Swift and ObjC. I’ve had to go back to the complete basics. I’ve been coding so much in Dart and Flutter lately that I’ve lost touch with reality. It’s been a while since I coded on this blog and I realise that I need to make a determined effort everyday.

Error Handling in Swift with Extensions

Representing Errors

Extensions for Organising Code

Starting off with:

Multiple Inheritence in Swift

In Swift, a class can conform to multiple protocols but inherit from only one class

Retroactive Modelling in Swift

Protocol Extensions and Protocol Oriented Programming Techniques

Packaging an iOS Application to get ready for Deployment

So I realise I know very little about how to publish an application on iOS and that there are multiple different solutions for publishing an application.

Expansion on Data Flow through SwiftUI and iOS traditionally

This has been on my mind. I have learnt a few things in the past few weeks. One is to calm down and focus on what really matters. Second is to find a Single Source of Truth for my knowledge. The Internet is littered with tutorials on how to use SwiftUI. But they all explain it simply and with small examples. In this tutorial. Which will be long. You have been warned!!. I will try to go through all the nitty gritties of passing data through SwiftUI. Yes. It will be a challenge. But stick with me and I promise you’ll get through this.

Swift - The Basics

Types, Constants, Variables, Optionals, Tuples, Type Safety

SwiftUI - Learn by Example 1

Hello and welcome to this series on SwiftUI. The hot new framework by Apple. not entirely sure it’s a framework but okay. I’m traditionally an iOS Developer, but I have done a lot of experimentation with Flutter and so I will be basing a lot of what might seem like bias opinion into thie series.

Reactive Programming - Part 6

In this post we will go through BehaviorSubject for RxSwift 5.0.0.

Reactive Programming - Part 5

In this post we will go through PublishSubject for RxSwift 5.0.0.

Building a Reactive App - Part 1

Asynchronous prgramming library.

Reactive Programming - Part 4

In this post I will continue the discussion on Observables by going through the list of Observables Operators from the source code. So please forgive me if I miss any.

Reactive Programming - Part 3

In this post we will take a look at the creation of Observables by using the factory design pattern.

Reactive Programming - Part 2

Observables! What are they and why do they exist.. We also go deep into Observable creation with the just, of, from and deferred operators.

Reactive Programming - Part 1

So you might have heard the lingo before, Events, Sinks, Schedulers, Streams. These are just a few of the words used in the asynchronous coding community. So what is everyone talking about. I must admit the first time I tried to learn about Reactive Programming I had no idea what was going on. It is difficult to understand and I’m assuming the reader already has a solid grasp of the Swift Language before continuing with this series of posts.

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